Bylo kolem šesté hodiny, venku bylo zataženo a občas poprchávalo. Zrovna jsem začala psát znovu svůj příběh, protože dřív jsem neměla čas a možná i náladu. Byla jsem sama doma, takže jsem měla výborné podmínky pro svou tvorbu. Teda sama doma, byla tam ještě moje sestra, která si mě naštěstí nevšímala a dívala se v našem poskromnu zařízeném obývacím pokoji na DVD, zřejmě nějakou pohádku pro dospělé.
„crrr“ někdo zazvonil a já jsem zanadávala, kdo otravuje zrovna teď, když mě políbila múza.
Stáhla jsem obočí a zamračila se, když do mého království vešla Ilona moje, jak s oblibou říkám ne, příliš povedená mladší sestra. Neříkám, že není hezká, spíš naopak většina kluků po ní jede a ona mi každý týden povídá, co je nového a jakého si našla fešáka. Její jemné rysy s vlasy sotva poramena a postavou, která přímo říká, jsem anorektička. Uculila a pustila se do řeči.
„Aery mohl by k nám Rol?“ zeptala se mě a dívala se na mě svým kočičím pohledem.
„Mně je to jedno.“ Odfrkla jsem a dál jsem se věnovala psaní, protože na mě její pohledy neplatí ty, ať zkouší na kluky.
„Ale je nějakej divnej“řekla „ono se mu asi něco stalo.“
„Tak jdi a pozvi ho dál,“řekla jsem a se spitavým pohledem jsem se dívala za svou mizící sestrou.
„Ahoj Role“ pozdravila jsem ho
„Ahoj, zase píšeš nebo čteš?“ zeptal se a já jsem si v jeho hlasu všimla, že před chvílí brečel. Sedl si na židli a bez zájmu se díval na stěnu pokoje, kde byl plakát zpívající Avril.
„Stalo se něco?“ zeptala jsem se a podívala se do jeho očí světle modré barvy.
Jeho reakce mě zaskočila. Sklonil se, abych mu neviděla do očí. Netušila jsem, co mám dělat, začal brečet, ještě nikdy jsem neviděla kluka jen tak přijít do mého pokoje, který si sedl na mou židli a začal brečet.
„Co se stalo?“zeptala jsem se a to, že bych pokračovala v psaní jsem rovnou vzdala a vypla jsem Microsoft Word.
„Mourek“ řekl. Mourek byl jejich vypasený kocour bílozrzavé barvy, takže je mi stále záhadou, proč mu dali zrovna tohle jméno, ale teď nebyl čas ptát se.
„Co je sním?“ Stále jsem nechápala a dívala jsem se na něj nervózním pohledem.
“Umřel?“zeptala se přímo Ilona, která nevím, kdy přišla za námi a teď si nervózně kousala spodní ret.
Rol jen záporně zakroutil hlavou a dál zíral do koberce, politého pribináčkem z mých dětských let.
„Tak, co je s ním?“ zeptala jsem se trochu nepříjemným hlasem, protože z té nervozity mi začínalo být špatně.
„Naši s ním jeli k veterináři“ zamumlal skoro neslyšně, takže jsem k němu musela naklonit hlavu, abych věděla, co říká.
„No, tak to nebude zlý. Jak říkám žádná kaše se nejí tak horká, jak se uvaří“ řekla jsem a jestli jsem si myslela, že se teď usměje a bude to super, tak jsem se šeredně mýlila. Naopak začal ještě víc brečet a já jsem nevěděla, jestli mám jít za ním a obejmout ho, takže jsem pro jistotu zůstala sedět na místě a dívala jsem se, jak vzlyká.
„Jenže on má něco v játrech“ promluvil asi po pěti strašně dlouhých minutách.
„A co to znamená?“ zeptala se nechápavě Ilona
„Někdo ho otrávil,“vzlykl „Beztak to byl ten s tím bílým autem….vzlyk…on otrávil i kocoura sousedů.“
„Pomalu se mi začínali do očí také nalévat slané slzy, rychle jsem zamrkala, aby si toho nikdo nevšiml, ale když jsem se podívala na Ilonu, všimla jsem si, že se je také vší silou snaží zadržet.
Asi hodinu jsme řešili souseda a nadávali jsme na něj, jako bychom věděli na sto procent, že to byl on.
„Neměl bys už jít?“ zeptala jsem se a všichni tři jsme se podívali na hodiny s kačerem, které ukazovali, že bude sedm.
„Jo, už půjdu. Dám vám vědět, jak to dopadlo.“řekl a s Ilonou v závěsu odešel.
Ilona asi po týdnu přišla z venku a hned ze dveří mi hlásila.
„Aery chceš vědět, jak je to s Mourkem?“zeptala se
„Samozřejmě, že chci.“Odpověděla jsem a sama pro sebe jsem si pomyslela, jak si může myslet, že by mě to nezajímalo.
„No….. on umřel“odpověděla
„ Jak to víš?“zeptala jsem se
„Byla jsem teď s Rolem venku. A víš, co ještě? Prý si pořídí další dvě koťata.“ Zavýskla a už nevypadala ani trochu smutně.
„To je dobře a kdy je budou mít?“
„ Na jaře od té samé paní od, které máme Luise.
Sladce jsem hladila Luise v jeho hebkém černém kožíšku a modlila jsem se k bohu, aby se mu nikdy nic nestalo.
Přehled komentářů
Opportunities and Risks of Artificial Intelligence
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(SilliamVop, 6. 7. 2023 22:36)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://ubr.ua/uk/ukraine-and-world/events/kakie-poderzhannye-mototsikly-luchshe-ne-pokupat-sovetuet-motozilla riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://agrostory.com/ua/info-centre/fans/yakiy-vibrati-motoblok-dlya-dachi-tipi-vidi-kharakteristiki-poradi-vid-motozilla/ compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://itc.ua/articles/kak-obezopasit-skuter-ot-ugona-4-prostyh-pravila-kotorye-pomogut-otpugnut-grabitelej/ factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/792614.html environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://rubryka.com/ru/2023/05/18/rezyna-dlya-skutera/ offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://greenpost.ua/ru/news/kak-vybrat-motoblok-dlya-malenkogo-domashnego-hozyajstva-sovety-ot-motozylla-i55116 all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://www.kharkovforum.com/showthread.php?t=5346067 help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(PuilliamVop, 6. 7. 2023 19:34)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban https://interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/920473.html riding, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider https://espreso.tv/velosiped-shcho-izdit-po-vodi-mif-realnist compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important https://osvita.ua/news/87026/ factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban https://news.infocar.ua/motocikli_pd_chas_drugo_svtovo_vyni_vtchiznyan_vs_nmeck_motocikli_146020.html environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that https://hromadske.ua/posts/yak-obrati-velosiped-na-sezon-2023 offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach https://informator.ua/ru/kak-vybrat-shlem-dlya-motocikla-rukovodstvo-ot-motozilla all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will https://focus.ua/auto/558982-vpliv-shtuchnogo-intelektu-na-virobnictvo-mopediv-i-skuteriv-u-2023-roci help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power, fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(Davidjal, 5. 7. 2023 13:15)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://ru.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/792618.html, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://www.autosite.ua/novosti_pokupka-mototsikla-s-ruk-na-chto-obrashchat-vnimanie_56713.html When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://podrobnosti.ua/2466441-jak-de-zbergati-velosiped-poradi-vd-motozlli.html a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/press-release/920472.htmlh , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
(Samuelsek, 5. 7. 2023 11:52)
Guide to choosing a scooter for city riding: What to look out for
When choosing a means of transportation for urban riding https://hromadske.radio/publications/8-prychyn-chomu-varto-vybraty-skuter, many people turn their attention to scooters. Scooters have become a popular means of transportation in cities because of their compactness, economy, and ease of operation. However, before buying a scooter, it is important to consider several factors to choose the right model for your needs. In this article, we'll look at the key aspects to consider when choosing a scooter for urban riding.
Size and compactness:
One of the most important aspects when choosing a scooter for city riding is its size and compactness. You will want a scooter that can easily maneuver through crowded streets and can easily park in tight spaces. Consider compact models with a small turning radius to be able to maneuver easily in a crowded city.
Engine power:
Scooter engine power is also an important factor. In an urban environment, you will probably need a scooter with little power since you will be riding it for short distances at speeds that match the speed limits of city streets. Choose a scooter with an engine with enough power to provide a comfortable ride in urban environments, but not too much power to avoid excessive fuel consumption.
Fuel economy:
One of the main advantages of scooters is their fuel efficiency. https://www.online.ua/rus/press-release/847971/kak-pokrasit-velosiped-svoimi-rukami-sovety-ot-motozilla/ When choosing a scooter, pay attention to its fuel efficiency. Scooters with lower fuel consumption can help you save money on gas and reduce your environmental emissions.
Convenience and comfort:
It's important to choose a scooter that offers comfort and convenience while riding in the city. Pay attention to seat ergonomics, handlebar height, and pedal position. Test out the scooter before you buy to make sure you feel comfortable behind the wheel and can easily reach all the controls.
Safety Systems:
Safety on the road is of the utmost importance. When choosing https://agronews.ua/news/motoblok-universalna-tehnika-dlya-silskogospodarskyh-robit/ a scooter, look for safety systems such as anti-lock brakes (ABS), stability control system (ESC), and high-visibility headlights. These systems will help you reduce the risk of accidents and keep you safe on the road.
Choosing a scooter for urban riding requires attention to several key aspects. Size and compactness, engine power https://www.depo.ua/ukr/sport/naypopulyarnishi-mototsikli-2022-roku-pidsumki-i-reyting-motozilla-202301231445592 , fuel efficiency, comfort and convenience, and safety systems are all factors to consider when choosing a scooter for city riding. Don't forget your personal preferences and budget as well. Research various scooter models thoroughly, read reviews and consult a salesperson or expert to make the right choice and enjoy a comfortable and safe city ride on your new scooter.
проверенный диплом
(Williamcoami, 30. 6. 2023 20:21)
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